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What Happened to

 Where did go?  

I retired and sold the Irrigation Tutorials website a few years ago to Sprinkler Warehouse.  They have been working on incorporating the content from the tutorials into their website.  At times that redesign work seems to cause the tutorials to disappear.  While I did write the tutorials, I no longer own that content, so I can't do much to help you directly.  I do have a few suggestions:

  1. Check the Sprinkler Warehouse website at and look to see if the tutorials are included in their educational content section.
  2. Use the "WayBack Machine": WayBackMachine- IrrigationTutorials.  That should display an archived copy of the website from 2020.
  3. If that doesn't work, try going to and do a search for "".  There are over 800 different archived copies of the irrigation tutorials website stored on so you should be able to find something useful.  I suggest you look for a copy of the website from the year 2020.  Earlier and later archives might be less complete.
Thank you!  I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

Jess Stryker